SEO Audit

How can an SEO Audit help you stand out online?

SEO website audit involves analyzing various aspects of a web resource to determine all the factors that affect its optimization and visibility in search engines. The purpose of this service is to identify problems that prevent a website from ranking high on the search engine results page.

Specialists at SEO-audit take into account such aspects as page indexing, loading speed, content quality, link profile structure and so on. The audit is completed with a detailed report including optimization suggestions aimed at increasing organic traffic, improving search engine rankings and user experience.

Key benefits for your business

Improved visibility in search engines

By identifying and solving technical problems, a company can significantly improve its search engine ranking. This helps attract more organic traffic, which will ultimately lead to more potential customers.

Increase conversions

By conducting an audit, it is possible to identify obstacles and weaknesses on a web resource that make it difficult for visitors to perform desired actions, such as buying products or sending requests. Addressing these issues can increase conversion rates and therefore increase business revenue.

Efficient spending of resources

The audit identifies ineffective marketing and SEO strategies, allowing businesses to focus their efforts and resources on the most effective methods of promotion and optimization.

Improved user experience

By optimizing according to the audit recommendations, navigation, loading speed and content quality are improved, which contributes to a more pleasant and convenient interaction with visitors, building trust in the brand.

Work process

Analyzing the Technical Part
We will identify all technical errors on your site and draw up a technical task for the developer
Content Analysis
Check for proper use of meta tags, H1 headers and use of Alt attributes
Link Profile Analysis
Let’s check the dynamics of growth and quality of external links and anchor list
Customizing Web Analytics Systems
Customize Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager and Google Search Consol

Get a free consultation and order an express audit for your site