Basic Website Optimization

Website structure optimization service is aimed at improving the navigation and architecture of your web resource. We conduct an in-depth audit, identify weaknesses and suggest improvements that will make the site more user-friendly and better visible to search engines.

The results of our work:

  • Identifying and fixing technical errors: We find and fix issues that interfere with SEO and user experience.
  • Strategic Structure: We develop and agree on a structure that supports your business goals and improves customer interaction.
SEO анализ конкурентов

Key benefits for your business

Improved navigation and user experience

An optimized site structure makes it easier for users to navigate and find the information they need, improving the overall user experience. This not only helps keep visitors on the site, but also increases the likelihood of conversions due to the ease of interacting with the content.

Increased visibility in search engines

A clear and logical website structure improves page indexing by search engines. Properly organized headings, subcategories and tags help search engine crawlers crawl and rank your site more effectively, which directly affects SEO and the visibility of your business online.

Effective content management

An organized site structure simplifies content management, making the process of adding new content and sections smooth and intuitive. This allows your business to respond quickly to market changes and update the site with fresh and relevant content.

Thoughtful preparation for scaling

With a website structure that can scale efficiently, your business is ready to grow and expand. Whether you’re adding new products or services, an optimized site structure allows you to easily integrate new elements while maintaining SEO efficiency and user-friendliness.

Work process

Analysis of the existing structure
In this initial phase, we conduct a comprehensive audit of the existing site structure and its technical condition
Analyzing market needs
In the second phase, we dive into studying market demand and competitor behavior
Developing the structure of the site
The stage of forming the structure of the site includes developing a clear and logical hierarchy, defining the main entry points and navigation paths for users
Support and guidance on implementation
The final stage involves providing detailed guidance and support in implementing the new site structure

Get a free consultation and order an express audit for your site