General information

Accelerates artificial intelligence training, provides end-to-end cloud services, improves content delivery, and protects servers and applications


  • Conducting a full technical audit of the site
  • Display of search queries in the top 10 of Google
  • Increasing website traffic from search engines and contextual advertising
  • Improving rankings and user experience
gcore 2
gcore 4
gcore 3

Improved performance

The first stage was to build the structure of the site, taking into account the semantic kernel and analysis of competitors’ sites. All the necessary usability parameters were taken into account in the technical specification for the content

  • Increase in organic traffic per month by 12 425 people
  • Прирост уникальных пользователей вырос на 8 120
  • Increase in conversions by 5000
  • Increase in the number of requests 1 651%
  • Search phrases in the top 10 – 21%

Scheme of work on the project

Technical audit of the site was carried out, major technical errors were corrected
Content plan and semantic kernel are formed
Linkbuilding through exchanges and outreach, as well as publishing on Quora and Reddit platforms is in place